

Book now
Booking advantages
  • Price advantage compared to travel portals
  • Extra "thank you" for direct booking:
    1 voucher p.p. for 1 glass of prosecco 0.1l or
    1 beer 0.2l with a main course in the hotel restaurant
Price comparison for tonight
Booking advantages
  • Price advantage compared to travel portals
  • Extra "thank you" for direct booking:
    1 voucher p.p. for 1 glass of prosecco 0.1l or
    1 beer 0.2l with a main course in the hotel restaurant
Price comparison for tonight

Holiday special 3 nights

08.07.2024 - 20.08.2025
14.10.2024 - 27.10.2024
13.04.2025 - 27.04.2025
12.07.2025 - 26.08.2025
11.10.2025 - 26.10.2025

Spend your family holiday in Bonn!

1 child up to 12 years stays free of charge in a Comfort double room.

Bonn has a lot to offer for a well-balanced holiday with your children.

Daily arrival possible


from 125,- € per night
from 125,- € per night

Explore Bonn - there is so much to discover!

EXPERIENCE and VISIT in Bonn and the surrounding area, for example:

  • Alexander Koenig Zoological Research Museum or the House of History (also interesting for children)
  • Drachenfels with or without Drachenfels railway
  • Bonn hop-on hop-off bus
  • Haribo Shop Bonn or the Haribo factory outlet in Bonn-Bad Godesberg
  • Rhine by boat
  • Venusberg wildlife park (Waldau) with a huge playground
  • Try out an escape game (reservation required)
  • Enjoy the Rheinaue and Japanese garden
  • Largest cold-water Gaysir in Andernach (reservation required)
  • Phantasialand amusement park in Brühl


Your inclusive services for the "Holiday special in Bonn" offer

The special offer includes the following services:

  • 3 nights in a Comfort double room with an extra bed
  • 3 x gourmet breakfasts
  • Bonn travel guide
  • Free WLAN in the hotel (except in the INSEL OASE)

Special highlight for this offer only:

  • 1 child up to 12 years stays free of charge in a Comfort double room

Minimum stay: 3 nights

daily arrival possible

Prices plus local accommodation tax of 6% on the gross accommodation price included in the offer


Give something to enjoy

Sometimes a wedding day is approaching very suddenly. Or perhaps a round number birthday or Christmas? And very often the question, "What can I give as a present“? This where we have an idea for you: in the Insel Hotel's Gift Voucher Shop you will find something suitable for any occasion!

Order a gift voucher


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