

Book now
Booking advantages
  • Price advantage compared to travel portals
  • Extra "thank you" for direct booking:
    1 voucher p.p. for 1 glass of prosecco 0.1l or
    1 beer 0.2l with a main course in the hotel restaurant
Price comparison for tonight
Booking advantages
  • Price advantage compared to travel portals
  • Extra "thank you" for direct booking:
    1 voucher p.p. for 1 glass of prosecco 0.1l or
    1 beer 0.2l with a main course in the hotel restaurant
Price comparison for tonight


Would you like to spend your holiday in Bonn? This is the right choice!

Bonn has everything you need for a well-balanced holiday.

Some of the most interesting museums in the country, beautiful hiking areas in the Kottenforst, the Siebengebirge or the nearby Ahr valley. The most famous hiking trails are the Rheinsteig, the Jakobsweg, the Wasserburgenroute or the Rotweinwanderweg. Beaches along the Rhine can be used for sunbathing or you can explore the Rhine by boat.

Daily arrival possible

from 472,50- € p.P.
from 472,50- € p.P.


We have put together a small holiday package for you:

You stay 7 nights in a room of your chosen category - alone - as a couple or as a threesome. We also invite you to enjoy a welcome drink on our sun terrace. You will also receive a 40-page travel guide to explore the region and lots of other information for your holiday in Bonn and the Rhein-Sieg-Ahr district. On one day you will go on a discovery tour with the hop-on hop-off bus through Bonn.

Your inclusive services for the "Holiday week in Bonn" offer

The special offer includes the following services:

  • 7 overnight stays
  • 7 x gourmet breakfasts
  • 1 x welcome drink on the day of arrival
  • Bonn travel guide
  • City tour with the hop-on hop-off bus (Wednesday to Sunday)
  • Free entry to the "INSEL OASE" with Finnish sauna, herbal soft sauna, heated bench and relaxation room including water, tea and fruit from our wellness bar
  • Use of our fitness room with Technogym equipment
  • Free WLAN in the hotel (except in the INSEL OASE)

Valid outside of trade fair and congress times on request and subject to availability.

Minimum stay: 7 nights

Prices are subject to an additional local accommodation tax of 6% on the gross cost of accommodation included in the package.

  • 7 nights incl. the advertised services from EUR 472,50,- p.P. in a double room Inquire Book online

Give something to enjoy

Sometimes a wedding day is approaching very suddenly. Or perhaps a round number birthday or Christmas? And very often the question, "What can I give as a present“? This where we have an idea for you: in the Insel Hotel's Gift Voucher Shop you will find something suitable for any occasion!

Order a gift voucher


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