The short holiday for connoisseurs. As Winston Churchill said: "One should offer the body something good so that the soul feels like living in it."
Arrival days: Thursday or Friday
The short holiday for connoisseurs. As Winston Churchill said: "One should offer the body something good so that the soul feels like living in it."
Arrival days: Thursday or Friday
Enjoy our new "INSEL OASE" to the full!
Our wellness area of approx. 210 square metres awaits you.
The special offer includes the following services:
We are happy to help you with further tour planning for the region.
We are also happy to prepare a packed lunch for your excursions for € 12,- p.p.
Valid outside of trade fair and congress times on request and subject to availability.
Minimum stay: 2 nights
Possible arrival days: Thursday or Friday
Prices plus local accommodation tax of 6% on the gross accommodation price included in the offer.